Athletic Performance Training through Mind Potential Northwest offers an avenue for athletes to experience him or herself at his or her best. To be the very best at your sport, it is essential to master the mental aspect, as well as the technical skills. An athlete’s...
Energy is all around us, everywhere in all different wavelengths and frequencies. Everyday our bodies, which are full of energy and life force, known as Qi (also spelled “chi” in English and pronouced “chee”), are being hit with these Energies from many different...
“You Are What You Eat” So Eat Wise!” There is a new field on the rise called Neuro-Nutritional Healing. It’s about nourishing the brain and body through lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and supplementation, so that your are maximizing your potential to recover...
New Research Regarding EEG Neurofeedback and MusiciansArticle Published on The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) Website ( Researchers from Imperial College London and Charing Cross...
Awaken. Evolve. Inspire. Transform. At Mind Potential Northwest, we specialize in Wellness and Mental Health promoting programs and services. Many mental health disorders result from problems in brain function. Medications just treat the symptoms and do not correct...